What You Should Bring To College ? – College Packing List


As you already informed that I will go back to my student’s life very soon so after this, it might be more about my studies in this blog. 7 months of break after my diploma were quite enough to put me into a world of darkness where I just seeing my laptop and bed for almost everyday. Seriously speaking, I just spend my time surfing the internet, read some stuffs, chatting, commenting, blogging and all that. Just me and my virtual world. Sounds pathetic but I really don’t care about what people think about me because this is me and nobody supposed to change that no matter what. I am proud of myself. I love to gather information from what I read and see. 🙂

On the other hand, based on the topic for today, I want to share something that is very important and essential for all students whose gonna start their new life in hostels or college. For starters, you always worried that you might miss something important especially the small things like nail clippers etc. It is also unavoidable for the present students.

Now, you can stop being anxious and stressed. Every problem has its solution. To prevent from overlook all your things during the packing session, you just have to create a checklist! Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

* I recommend to create the list by using a computer or laptop. You also can just sketch it in a rough paper but the printed version is more organized and can be used another time in the future.

1) Create parent categories (with the caps lock) with the children categories under them to make sure you don’t miss anything.


  • Bed
  • Computer Related
  • Desk
  • Room


  • Food
  • Supplies


  • School Supplies


  • Appliances/others
  • Medical
  • Toiletries


  • Clothes
  • Foot wear
  • Laundry Supplies


  • Important Documents
  • Others

2) You can start listing all things for each children categories. Write everything !

TIPS : Picture a situation that start with your morning routines until bedtime. With this, you will remember everything that you need and use in your daily life.

3) Draw a tiny little box on the right side for EACH of your belongings.

4) Now, your checklist is ready. During your packing time, just refer to the list and tick into the box for settled stuffs.

5) For future usage, save the soft copy into your laptop, computer or any storage drives and just printed out if you want to used it.

6) For those who love fancy decorations, you may put some on your checklist to create an interesting list.

You can do this by yourself either using Microsoft Word or Excel but you also may found this ready made checklist on www.collegepackinglist.com. Here you can add or delete any unnecessary items and also, you can click on the TIPS button for more useful and interesting suggestions.

There you go! Am I a lil bit excited to go to college again? For those who same as me, good luck and all the best. I hope this tips would help you out. Thanks for dropping by. ❤
